A Global Methodist Congregation (click Global Methodism below for more information).

New Discipleship Classes

Join, Attend, Learn and Grow in Your Christian Faith | Every week this Winter at PFMC.
Jesus the Stranger | A Brand New Lent Study
Led by Daniel Patrick
Begins March 11 at 12:00 pm in W104
Repeats Tue Nights at 6 PM in W104
Luke: The Story of the Savior of the World
Led by Ret. Rev. Stanley Carter
Wednesdays at 6 PM
RM W208
Reaffirmation of Faith: Letter to the Colossians
Led by Rev. Larry Patton
Wednesdays at 6 PM
Thursdays at 12:45 PM  
 Women's Small Group: Faithfulness
Mondays at 6 PM 
Join us on Monday Nights at 6:00 p.m. as we celebrate all God is doing in Small Groups!
Men's Small Group
Join us in a Rick Burgess Man Church PURSUIT

Together we will be exploring: identity, integrity, purpose, surrender, passion, commitment, compassion and influence as men in alignment with God.
Don't Delay - Sign-up Below!
Women's Small Group: Joyfulness 
Wednesdays at 6 PM
Join us on Wednesday Nights at 6:00 p.m. as we grow, connect, and share this semester.
Women's Small Group: Togetherness
Room W210
Togetherness is a transformational small group for the women of PFMC and beyond! We are meeting each Wednesday night @ 6:00 PM in room W210.
Led by Myki Patrick